What we do

Business Continuity: disasters are not always avoidable and having the right recovery plan in place, helps to reduce the potential damage and quickly restore operations when one occurs. Our approach is to integrate Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery into a single plan to reduce cost without sacrificing quality.

Structured Selection and Purchase Processes: Are you looking to buy a new HR Info System, Client Management or Financial package? Major purchases can be daunting and quite risky. Asurtec can help ensure you select the right product and ensure it lives up to your expectations. Asurtec uses a highly structured, quantitative process to identify and weigh requirements from across your organization. We then help you to rigorously evaluate products against your requirements. Further, we support funder-mandated RFQ/RFP processes and help you through contract negotiation to ensure that you select the best product for your needs and the product is configured appropriately and your staff are supported adequately by the vendor through a strong contract.

Privacy and Confidentiality: this training brings professionals up to speed on government regulations and their impact on active professionals and not-for-profit agencies. The training then relates these regulations and requirements directly to technologies staff use daily ensuring privacy and confidentiality.

Organizational Policies and Procedures: We can help you describe and document your company’s best practices, business process and the specific methods and standards for how work is performed.


  • Privacy and Confidentiality: $1000 for the first session; $225 for each subsequent session
  • Business Continuity: DRPs & BCPs typically cost $5500 to $7000, depending on scope
  • Organizational Policies and Procedures: Standard four (4) IT & Security policies $1280. Create a single policy: $500. Review and revise policies: $150/hour.